Piano Repair in Janesville & Madison, WI Area
Pianos are a significant investment. They can be costly and take up a lot of space, but when properly maintained, will provide decades of joy. For many people, a piano is the centerpiece of their home. Naturally, they want the piano to last a long time. Regular piano tuning can go a long way toward keeping your piano in good working condition. So too can regular cleaning, washing your hands before you play, and closing the lid when not in use.
We can help with your piano repair needs, including sticking keys or piano pedals that are not working. Most repairs are simple and can be done during the tuning appointment. Learn more about piano repair services below and contact us to schedule an appointment!
When to Repair Your Piano
Regardless of how well you take care of your piano, there may be instances in which repairs are needed. Pianos are highly complex, with thousands of moving parts that must work in sync for your piano to function properly. You may be able to take care of a few simple fixes, but because of their elaborate inner workings, it’s best to hire an experienced professional — especially if any type of disassembly is required. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, it’s very easy to inadvertently damage your prized investment.
Piano Regulation
Piano regulation is a common piano repair service that involves adjusting the mechanical parts in your piano to ensure they operate efficiently and your piano plays the best it possibly can. It’s necessary to compensate for normal wear and tear as the internal components naturally expand and contract over time. Piano regulation will change the touch of the piano, making it more responsive and giving you a much greater dynamic range. It’s an important step in keeping your piano playing at its greatest potential.
Common Piano Repair Problems:
- Buzzing and rattling. If your piano sounds “off” or is emitting a buzzing or rattling sound, it’s likely the result of vibrations within the piano. These might be caused by misaligned hammers, loose bridge pins or screws, or worn strings.
- Dirty or damaged keys. Over time, oils from your hands can cause discoloration of the piano keys. Heavy playing or using a household cleaner or solvent may also cause them to chip or crack.
Piano Voicing
Piano voicing is a piano repair service that is the adjustment of the overall sound of the piano. This includes making a piano sound brighter or more mellow, along with making the tone of every note sound even. Cost will vary based on time.
It is important that before voicing, the piano is properly regulated and tuned, as these can affect the overall sound of the piano.
Piano Hammer Filling
Piano hammer filing is a necessary process to combat the wear of the repeated hitting of the piano strings on the piano hammer. With time, the hammer felts develop deep grooves which cause a harsh tone. Reshaping the felt with a special file restores the original tonal beauty and evenness.

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Piano Cleaning, Piano Repair, & Piano Tuning in Madison, WI Area
Janesville | Edgerton | Stoughton | Madison | Delavan | Sun Prairie | Middleton | Brodhead | Cottage Grove | Evansville | Beloit | Delafield | Hartland | Fort Atkinson
| Pewaukee and surrounding areas |